Wheelchair Traveling Up Up and Away


As many wheelchair users know, wheelchair travel is not the easiest task to accomplish; thus the reason I am choosing to discuss planes, trains, and automobiles… Wait what? I mean planes, wheelchairs, and adaptive sports equipment.   Now that I have your attention, when it comes to wheelchair travel, each of understand that traveling with

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Becoming Invictus


What do you do when you face a life changing illness, injury or wounds? What thoughts go through your mind when you hear doctors tell you they have no idea why this happened to you?   2011, I was on a schedule military deployment, my career was soaring, I had just commissioned the year before

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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

BraunAbility MXV

Let the countdown officially begin! Only a few short hours until turkey, mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, piled high plates, and full bellies. And of course family, friends, and football. I am personally super pumped. Gotta love Thanksgiving. The holiday fast approaching also means the biggest travel day of the year is upon us. This

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Nylon.com, the official website for the magazine publication, shared a Tumblr video (https://florafox-nvsk.ru/) of 23 year old Philadelphia blogger Erin speaking on the unequal treatment she’s received as a person with a disability.  This “unequal treatment” may not be what you’d immediately think. Erin wasn’t referring to stares, nasty comments, or not being able to

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SCI Awareness All Year Long


September has been a heck of month for Alter Ur Ego. Five days ago we officially started accepting pre-orders and with the success of our Kick Starter we’ll be able to roll out finished products in time for the holidays.   September is also Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Awareness Month. Obviously this month long observance

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Musings of a BuzzFeed Junkie


    I have to admit Buzzfeed sometimes steals hours of my day. Hysterical and sometimes a bit infuriating this list is too good not to share. How many out there can relate? What would you add?   My favorite: 20. You never let anybody stop you doing your thing     27 Things You’ll

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Our Kickstarter, Kicked Ass


We bulldozed past our goal of $20,000. All said and done Alter Ur Ego’s Kickstarter ended with 465 backers and raised $28,627!! I can’t say thank you enough to everyone that donated, shared on social media, and helped get the word out. Overwhelmed with the support so many have show our company.   A big

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Disability Diversity Added to CBS Fall 2015 Lineup


  As I said in my previous post I’m a bit obsessed right now with finding disability diversity represented in the world of fashion and entertainment. With the return of TV’s fall lineup (when did that sneak up on us?? I’m still hanging by the pool!) CBS will introduce a new show onto its Saturday

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Work! Cover Girl!


I went on a Google search because I couldn’t think of a recent time I’ve seen a person with a disability in fashion ads. Turns out I was splendidly mistaken.   February of this year Mercedes Benz New York Fashion week, the holy of holies, catwalk Super Bowl, fashion Mecca, featured a show that presented

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So I Gotta Plug Myself For a Minute…

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Yesterday marked eight years since I had a car accident that left me a T4 paraplegic. It’s my 8th Wheelie Birthday!!! Funny thing is I didn’t even realize until my Mom and Aunt Julie reminded me. I don’t dwell on the past nor would I want to change it. I wholeheartedly believe I am exactly

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